School Transportation News – The Impact of a Smile
This post is reprinted from the 2019 May issue of School Transportation News.
Read More2019 Holly Hoglund Klein Memorial Award Official Nomination Form
On March 3, 2015, Hoglund Bus Company owner Holly Hoglund Klein was tragically killed in a car crash. Friends and colleagues fondly remember Holly as a woman who tirelessly supported other women in the student transportation industry while successfully balancing her strong faith, a career, family, and volunteering in her community. Holly is survived by…
Read MoreThe 2019 Special Education Transportation Award
The Minnesota School Bus Special Education Committee, in cooperation with the Minnesota Association for Pupil Transportation (MAPT), is sponsoring the 17th annual awards program to identify and recognize the best transportation professionals in the categories of special education school bus drivers, and bus assistants serving Minnesota students. Below you will find the link for an…
Read More2018 illegal passing survey
While school buses remain incredibly safe, we all know that students who ride buses are most vulnerable when they are outside the bus in the “danger zone.” Minnesota is assisting the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) in coordinating a national survey to determine the prevalence of illegal passing of school…
Read MoreBus Driver Appreciation Day
Minnesota communities and schools wanting to develop safer routes for students to walk and bicycle to school can apply for planning assistance grants through the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School program. Application deadline is March 3. “Many Minnesota communities lack basic connections, such as bike paths and sidewalks, that safely link students to their…
Read MoreMNDOT offers safe routes to school funding
Minnesota communities and schools wanting to develop safer routes for students to walk and bicycle to school can apply for planning assistance grants through the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School program. Application deadline is March 3. “Many Minnesota communities lack basic connections, such as bike paths and sidewalks, that safely link students to their…
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