News & Updates

Updated regularly with important news and updates for our partners in pupil transportation


When Ho Ho Ho Becomes No No No

December 10, 2024
Lt. Brian Reu, MN State Patrol

It’s that time of year again when we start seeing drivers getting creative with decorating their buses. While we appreciate the intent, we want to ensure these decorations don’t compromise safety or violate design standards.

Please make sure that nothing is attached to the exterior of the vehicle. School bus identification and color standards are specific to make the bus easily identifiable. Our concern is that drivers and pedestrians may be distracted by items such as ribbons, wreaths, or other decorations, rather than noticing the flashing red lights and stop arm. Minnesota state statute specifies the color requirements for school buses and outlines which signs, letters, and symbols may be displayed. These are limited to those required and approved by state law.

If drivers choose to add decorations to the interior of the bus, we must ensure they do not affect passenger safety. Items should not be draped or dangled from the interior, and nothing should obstruct the emergency exit doors or windows, including the emergency exit markings. All windows in front of the passenger compartment must remain unobstructed to ensure the driver’s visibility. Additionally, we do not allow the installation of any decorative lighting inside or outside the vehicle. There are two primary concerns with the addition of lights: First, all wiring in a school bus must meet Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standards to reduce the risk of fire. Second, Minnesota statute prohibits vehicles from displaying colored lights visible to other motorists, which could create an issue.

Beyond the holiday season, we also see buses decorated for state tournaments, where teams or parents decorate the buses to celebrate their accomplishments. While these are exciting moments, we must ensure that the school bus remains the safest form of transportation for students.




2024 TZD Conference

October 30, 2024
Lt. Brian Reu, MN State Patrol

The 2024 Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) conference took place in St. Cloud from October 22-23, 2024, bringing together a wide range of traffic safety stakeholders. The TZD initiative aims to eliminate fatalities on our roadways through collaborative efforts among the public, industry professionals, engineers, emergency medical services, and law enforcement. Central to this mission is the "4 E’s" approach: Education, Emergency Medical Services, Enforcement, and Engineering.

I had the opportunity to participate in a joint presentation alongside representatives from TZD, the Department of Public Safety Office of Communications, the Pine County Sheriff’s Office, and the Plymouth Police Department. Our discussion focused on addressing stop-arm violations, the camera grant program and strategies for collaborating with the media to enhance enforcement and education. It was encouraging to witness the productive conversations between law enforcement officers and school transportation personnel. The camera grant program has significantly strengthened the relationships necessary for effectively addressing these violations.

If you haven't yet engaged with your regional TZD coalitions, I highly encourage you to do so. Joining these coalitions is a great way to build connections and open doors to new educational opportunities.

For more information on Minnesota’s TZD program, visit the official website. Let’s work together to create a future where everyone gets home safely and no lives are lost on our roadways.



DVS Contact Update

October 30, 2024

We've learned that Brad Hickerson has left the Minnesota Department of Vehicle Services. In the interim of his position being filled, we want to share new contact information, should you need to contact DVS. 

Kimberly Wilcox
Exam Services Coordinator
Anoka Exam Station
2830 Cutters Grove Ave, Suite 108 | Anoka, MN 55303
Office: 651-539-3330
Cell: 612-916-5242
Mark D. LarsonProgram Supervisor
445 Minnesota St, Suite 180 | Saint Paul, MN 55101
Cell: 612-916-3610



NHTSA Releases Illegal Passing Guide

October 7, 2024

Based on a survey of bus drivers by the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) in 2023, NASDPTS estimates that there were more than 43.5 million illegal school bus passings in the United States during the 2022-2023 school year.

Recognizing the importance of identifying and combating this dangerous issue, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released a comprehensive guide on the illegal passing of stopped school buses. The purpose of this guide is to present the current best practices for reducing these violations and keeping child pedestrians safe. 



MSP Offers Bus Inspection Training

October 4, 2024



'Active Shooter on Bus' Workshop

September 19, 2024

On October 22, 2024, the Minnesota Surface TSA team, TSA Surface Operations Region 3, and TSA Surface Operation Headquarters will conduct an active shooter/assailant workshop in Bloomington from 8 am-2:30 pm (lunch included).
This free workshop's target audience is the administration and support staff of the bus industry. This exercise will allow bus operators to gather and discuss security concerns facing the bus/transit industries, review security procedures that guide information sharing, implementation of physical protective measures, and operator’s roles and responsibilities during law enforcement response to an active shooter threat.  
The exercise agenda includes a morning brief, a tabletop exercise by a national facilitator, lunch, a law enforcement brief, and a SWAT Team demonstration. There are 50 seats available on a first come first served basis. Registration deadline is October 17th.


Child Passenger Safety Workshop

September 19, 2024

Join Safe Kids Grand Forks from 8:30 am-4:30 pm on October 18th for the Child Passenger Safety on School Buses workshop. This training, held in East Grand Forks, will provide an overview of chid restraint system use on school buses with a focus on preschool-aged children and children with disabilities.
The workshop will include instructional videos, instructor education, and hands-on practice. It will also help school districts, Head Start programs, special education instructors, childcare centers, and busing companies better understand their role in safely transporting students.
Cost is $20 and includes lunch. 


State Patrol Update: Stop Arm Reports

September 12, 2024

The Office of Pupil Transportation no longer needs the information collected on the stop arm report form. Districts are welcome to continue using the form if it has become a primary method for collecting and disseminating information to local, county, or state jurisdiction(s) for investigation follow-up.


Know Before You Go: TTT 2024

June 26, 2024

We have pretty much everything you need to know leading up to Train the Trainer 2024 in one handy-dandy location.

Check out our pre-event newsletter, including important deadlines. Also, check out our Train the Trainer tab at the top of the website for more FAQs and details.


Free Online Course Offered

June 26, 2024

Transportation Research and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS) has announced the launch of the Just Drive: Deliver Distraction-Free online course for commercial drivers.

The free 60-minute self-paced course addresses the risks and consequences of distracted driving and provides strategies to prevent this behavior, focusing primarily on the use of cell phones and electronic devices. 


Wanted: Bylaw Committee Members

May 2, 2024

By Kala Henkensiefken
MAPT Bylaw Committee Chair

As a long-time MAPT Board member, I have seen our bylaws updated several times. Why is it important that our organization review our bylaws and how often should they be reviewed?

My research shows the recommended benchmark is every two years; no less than five years. Why do we review our bylaws?  In my research, here is what I found: We need to review for compliance, to remove outdated terminology, establish responsibilities, to outline operational procedures, to modernize voting procedures, to educate the board about responsibilities, and guide the board in meeting its responsibilities. 

I have been tasked with the review of the current MAPT bylaws. The last time our bylaws were reviewed was in 2017.  I'm looking for a few MAPT members to help with this task. Thanks to technology, we can do all our work virtually and electronically. 

If you are interested, please contact me at 218-333-3225 or email me at


Spring Newsletter

May 1, 2024

Our MAPT Spring 2024 newsletter is live! This newsletter is literally overflowing with updates and news you can use in the transportation industry.

This is the last time the newsletter will be available to non-members; so be sure to get your membership and stay in the loop. Remember, your TTT registration includes MAPT membership. What a deal!


We Need Your Help!

April 26, 2024

We had such an impressive outpouring of submissions for the 2024 School Bus Safety Poster Contest!

So now is the tough part... selecting winners. We need your help!

Use the buttons below to view posters and pick your favorites. Voting is open to the public and ends May 5th!


FAQs: Alternative Learning Center Transportation

April 24, 2024

A new transportation finance classification has been created and will be unveiled during this summer's annual transportation reporting process by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).

In the meantime, find answers to questions currently being asked related to ALC transportation. Please note that MDE's document will also be periodically updated as more questions are submitted and as guidance becomes available. 


2024 Illegal Passing Survey

March 27, 2024

Minnesota will conduct its annual survey to document illegal passing of school buses on April 10 (April 17 if your school is not in session on 4/10). 

The Minnesota State Patrol is requesting your assistance in this important project.

Please have your school bus drivers observe and report any instances of motorists illegally passing their school buses, using the “Driver Reporting Form.” Even drivers who have no “pass-by’s” on the day of the survey should turn in the form so that we can get accurate data on how many pass-by’s occur per day per bus.

As always, their primary duty is to the safety of their students. Please have your drivers report only illegal passes that occur while the bus driver is stopped with red warning lights flashing and stop arm(s) deployed in full compliance with state training and procedures.

Each district or operator is asked to delegate one person to collect the stats for your operation and submit the results using the following link no later than April 30, 2024 >>


Locals Selected as NCST Delegates

April 8, 2024

The 2025 National Congress on School Transportation (NCST) will be held May 3-7, 2025 in Des Moines, Iowa. While it may seem far away, NCST activities are already in full swing.

The NCST was formed in 1939 and met regularly over the years to establish the “National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures.” In 1980, it was determined that Congress would be held every five years to approve revisions to the document.

In 1994, Minnesota adopted the design standards from the approved document as the base for our school buses. We have historically adopted these standards following each of the subsequent Congresses. The standards that will be approved at the 2025 Congress will automatically be implemented into our standards on August 1, 2026. During the 2021 legislative session, Minnesota also adopted the recommended Out-of-Service Criteria from the national standards.  

Any individual or entity that wishes to submit a change request to any portion of the “National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures” must submit them by July 1, 2024.  The request will be reviewed by the writing committees who will determine if they should be presented in front of the whole Congress for consideration. More information on this process can be found at: NASDPTS - NCST.

Each state is allowed to send a delegation of up to seven voting members to the Congress to vote on the change requests. These members will vote on behalf of the state with each state getting one vote. Our delegation for the 2025 congress includes:

  • Brian Reu, State Director of Pupil Transportation
  • Chris Hudson, Chief School Bus Inspector
  • Amy Tiedens, ISD 287, MAPT
  • Nick Klaseus, Disrict 391 Cleveland, MAPT
  • Jason Anderson, Vision Transportation, MSBOA
  • Paul Davis, St. Louis Park Transportation, MSBOA
  • Kevin Lutz, ISD 196, MAPT & School Bus Technicians Association


  • Kala Henkensiefken, ISD 31, MAPT
  • John Thomas, Dist. 112, MAPT
  • Kathryn Forbord, Schmitty & Sons, MSBOA

If you have any questions on the process, please review the NCST webpage or you can contact Lt. Brian Reu.


It's On! 2024 TTT Registration is Open

March 29, 2024

Get ready. Get set. Go!

Registration for the 2024 Train the Trainer is officially open and we can't wait to share all of the great things in store for participants this year. 

Check out our keynote speaker lineup! 


National Congress on School Transportation

March 28, 2024

The National Congress on School Transportation (NCST) Steering Committee is preparing for the 17th Congress, which will be held in Des Moines, Iowa, May 3-7, 2025.

The changes approved at each National Congress on School Transportation are cataloged in the National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures (NSTSP) Manual.

The job of researching suggested changes to the National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures (NSTSP) falls to the assigned NCST Writing Committees, which are hard at work addressing proposed changes.

This is a reminder that the deadline for interested parties to submit change requests is June 1, 2024.

All change requests must be made and submitted on the 2025 Change Request Form found by clicking here in accordance with the form instructions to allow the Writing Committees time to review and properly research the proposals before the 2025 Congress.

Under the Congress’ procedures, the Writing Committee Chairs must notify all persons submitting change requests of the status of their respective requests following the committees’ deliberations and decisions.

This feedback to submitters must occur well before the on-site Congress.

Please direct any questions to Patrick McManamon, NCST Chairman, at